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Make a personalized travel book

1 January 1970

When we found @lou__lundberg on Instagram we instantly loved her techy tips, tutorials and lifehacks. Louise is a digital designer who runs her own business and when we realized she’d made a Once Upon book, we asked her right away if she would share some of her tips with our Once Uponers. And as the techy wizard she is, she had a few tips on hand that will make your travel book feel even more personal.


Add a map

This is extra fun if your book is about a road trip, which my book is, but it can also be fun to show a map of the city you went to and spots you visited! Just take a screenshot of the map from a map app and then draw out the route you took or spots you went to! A fun way to "set the scene".


Polaroid images

Once Upon has a lot of nice premade layouts, but if you want something a little different, you can use a third-party app to create unexpected layouts. Or an IRL option for you who already have printed polaroid photos – lay them out on a white surface and take a picture of the polaroid with the camera. And then just add it to the app!


Personal notes

You can add texts and captions In the app but a few handwritten notes makes the book look so personal! Just use a drawing app or write by hand on a piece of paper and take a picture, then add it to the app. I did it next to some of my favorite memories from the trip, which I wanted to add the *extra feels* to.