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Do we miss the beauty of now by stressing over the unpredictable?

As a professional athlete and mother of two, Katrina Gorry navigates challenges with grace while finding beauty in the chaos. Below, she shares her reflections on a year marked by highs, lows, and life-changing lessons.

Can you tell us a bit about what this past year has been like for you?

This past year has been a rollercoaster. There have been moments of joy, struggles that tested my resilience, and milestones I’ll always remember. Becoming a mother of two while navigating my career has been challenging, but also deeply rewarding. When I look back on this year, I can honestly say I feel proud of how far I’ve come.

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Photo books

Is there a moment that stands out?

The biggest moment for me was recovering from an injury and, at the same time, welcoming our baby boy into the world. Those months were a whirlwind of highs and lows. I’d be pushing myself through rehab, questioning if I could make it back in time, and then come home to this tiny human who reminded me of what really mattered.

Balancing the two was overwhelming. There were sleepless nights, moments of self-doubt, and a lot of tears. But then there were these perfect little moments—a smile, a first laugh, or the joy of holding my baby while taking a break from training. In the end, it all came together. I made it to the Olympics, and I got to experience the incredible joy of expanding our family. It was chaotic and messy, but it was also perfect.

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Photo books

Have there been moments when you felt the need to meet societal expectations?

When I got injured, the pressure to recover and be fit for the Olympics was enormous. There were expectations from the team, fans, and maybe mostly, from myself. And it wasn’t just about getting back on the field, it was about being in peak condition so I could contribute to my team. It was a difficult challenge and I’m extremely proud of myself for pushing through and coming out on the other end.

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Photo books

With kids there's just a lot of things that you can't control, 
so you just need to stay present to truly enjoy the little moments – because they pass so quickly.

What did you learn this year?

The biggest lesson for me has been about control – or rather, letting go of it. So much in life is unpredictable. This year taught me to focus on what I can control and let go of the rest. Rehab was one of those things. I couldn’t control the timeline or the outcome, but I could control my effort. And as a mom, it’s even more true. With kids there's just a lot of things that you can't control, so you just need to stay present to truly enjoy the little moments – because they pass so quickly.

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Photo books

Even on the best days, there’s that lingering mom guilt—did I do enough? Am I enough? And we need to give ourselves grace.

What message would you like to share with other women?

Women and mothers are incredible. The strength we show every day, even in the smallest things, is nothing short of extraordinary. But we’re also our own worst critics. Even on the best days, there’s that lingering mom guilt—did I do enough? Am I enough? And we need to give ourselves grace. Remind ourselves that we are enough, more than enough.

Five quick questions:


When I wake up, the first thing I think about is…

How good my coffee is going to taste.


And the last thing before I go to sleep is…

Probably the kids, the small moments we had together throughout the day.


This year I am proud of…

Coming back from my injury to play in the Olympics and bringing our baby boy into the world.


And I want to recommend...

Trying to find the positives in life even when you're down.


If I could describe this year in one word, it would be…
