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A football book for the ages

Say hello to ten year old football lovers Tuva and Alice. Their photo book passion project completely knocked our socks off.

With the upcoming European Championship they were looking for football cards or a football book about their idols; The players of the Swedish women's national football team. But they couldn’t find anything. So in the end they decided to take matters into their own hands and made a book of their own.

Photo books

Tuva and Alice have loved football for as long as they remember. At the age of ten they already have two practices a week and usually a match on the weekends. When asked what they love about the game, they simply reply: everything! It’s not hard to imagine their frustration when they couldn’t find a single book about their female football idols.

"We started off by drawing and writing about the players on paper."

Especially when there’s no shortage of them when it comes to their male counterparts. But, instead of accepting defeat, Tuva and Alice went ahead and changed the game, creating their very own book about the Swedish women's national football team. When asked what was hardest about making their own book they told us “finding information about the players, but it was a lot of fun too, cause we learned a lot about them all too”.

Photo books

Needless to say, we at Once Upon were mighty impressed by these girls and wanted to make sure that more people got to enjoy Tuva and Alice’s masterpiece, so we printed over 500 books, so that Tuva and Alice could hand them out to all football players born 2011 in Skellefteå (the hometown of not only Alice and Tuva, but Once Upon too).