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5 ways to make your travel book unique

1 January 1970

Travel moments almost always warrant a relive. The laughs, the great food, the views... all of it comes together when you look through your photos again and again in a photo book. And we’ve got some even more fun ideas on how to make it really sparkle!

Tips on how to create a unique travel book


Add captions and personal notes

You’ll be glad you added the details while they’re fresh! Adding handwritten text can make it feel more like a scrapbook, but adds some flair to the book.


Add the (not so) happy moments, too

The views are incredible, and totally spread-worthy, but the in between moments also made up your story. Don’t forget to add the challenging moments to your book too.

Photo books
Photo books


Turn mementoes into photos

If you saved anything tangible from your trip (like tickets or maps), but don’t want to add them by hand, take a photo and upload them into the book instead for a cleaner feel.


Show your travel route

Got a great picture of the area you traveled? Or maybe you want to show the distances covered. Many services online will highlight your routes for you, making a nice addition to your travel story.

Photo books
Photo books


Showcase the details

Did you take a picture of the menu at that amazing cafe? Add it. What about the road signs pointing the way? Adding in photos of the details helps the photo speak for itself.

Photo books
Photo books

Making a travel photo book is a fun way to relive your adventures time and time again.