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Entregas en hasta 10 días laborales
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Make, copy, paste, repeat

1 January 1970

We’ve said it before – and you’ll hear us say it again – there’s no gift like a photo book. So why not give it to the whole fam or the entire friend group? It can honestly be as easy as make-copy-paste-repeat. Here’s how!


Make a photo book that you know your family or friends would appreciate

  • (see a full list of ideas here!). Maybe a book full of photos of your kids from this year or a travelbook about that trip with your friends to Italy.


Copy the book

  • When the book is done, you can just copy the entire book by clicking the three dot menu in the right corner.


Tweak it

  • In the new copy of the book maybe you can change the title, add a few photos or write a personal note in the beginning of the book – DONE!


Repeat it

Both step 2 and 3 for as many family members or friends as you like!

Now that's what we call a great–gift-in-no-time! You’re welcome!